Welcome to San Jac’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) online courses - the perfect solution for busy professionals! Our fun and affordable online courses give you the opportunity to learn new skills and trades conveniently from anywhere. Take a look at the variety of online CPD courses we offer.
Take a look at the list of available online courses and select your course(s).
Call 281-542-2020 to register. You must make your payment for all CPD classes the same day as registration.
After you register, locate the course title on www.ed2go.com and click Enroll Now. Choose the desired date and click Continue. If you’re a new student, create a new login. Returning students can log in with their previous username and password.
Choose the “already paid” option, then click on the blue highlighted link to complete the orientation process, and gain access to the classroom.
When the class begins, go to the Online Instruction Center, click on the Classroom tab, and log in with the username and password you created during orientation.
All courses require internet access, email, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Firefox web browsers.
Software and computer courses require Adobe Flash and PDF plug-ins (two free and simple downloads you obtain at www.adobe.com/downloads by clicking Get Adobe Flash Player and Get AdobeReader). You must have your own personal copy of any software required in the course. Software must be installed and operational on your personal computer before the course begins. Make sure to check the Online Instruction Center for more information on any of the Ed2Go classes.